Grace Colón recognized by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization as one of 25 Hispanic Trailblazers to Know in Science and Biotech
Our CEO Grace Colón was recognized by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization in a list of 25 Hispanic Trailblazers to Know in Science and Biotech during #HispanicHeritageMonth2021 #biotech#diversityandinclusion
18. Dr. Grace E. Colón – In her tenure as President and CEO of InCarda Therapuetics, Inc., is in the process of developing InRhythm™ for Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation and in June completed a successful End-of Phase-2 (EOP2) meeting with the FDA. Per an agreement between InCarda and the FDA, a single Phase 3 trial of 400 patients will allow InCarda to file for a New Drug Application (NDA). Colón serves on the BIO Emerging Companies Section Governing Board.